Clear Choices Clean Water
Clear Choices is a national, award-winning program that seeks to increase awareness about the daily choices we can make as individuals to improve water quality and conserve water supplies.
Clear Choices is a national, award-winning program that seeks to increase awareness about the daily choices we can make as individuals to improve water quality and conserve water supplies.

The Clear Choices Clean Water® Program
How you maintain your yard and landscape, how long your showers are, even what you do with your dog’s poo…all of these things and more have an impact on our water. You can help make a difference.
Clear Choices is a national, award-winning program that seeks to increase awareness about the daily choices we can make as individuals to improve water quality and conserve water supplies. Focused on individual action and social change, the program employs an online action pledge system, an interactive website at indiana.clearchoicescleanwater.org, and a variety of materials and media used to communicate program messages. This includes themed postcards and banner displays, radio promotions, TV commercials, billboards, materials for youth, and social media outreach. Significant social research and the application of current social marketing principles have guided the development of the Clear Choices program since its inception in 2009.
Thirteen topical campaigns comprise the current suite of clean water action pledges. The action pledges focus on specific water quality-friendly actions such as: using phosphorus-free and/or less fertilizer, landscaping with native plants and protecting pollinators, properly disposing of pet waste, properly maintaining septic systems, conserving water use, volunteering in community efforts, caring for soil health, not feeding waterfowl, stewarding trees, and a kid-focused pledge on making smart water choices.
Clear Choices has developed a reputation as a fun, engaging, easy, impactful outreach program. The results speak for themselves as the program sees more pledges each year and the increasing potential for preventing large amounts of pollution from reaching local waterways. Numerous metrics have been built into the program and are evaluated every year in an effort to make the program as responsive as possible.
Support Clear Choices Clean Water
Become a Water Supporter
Everyone has a role to play! You can help us ensure Clear Choices Clean Water’s success and affordability by directing your donation to Clear Choices Clean Water and becoming a Water Supporter. No donation is too small or too large to be a Water Supporter. Your donation as a Water Supporter can be publicly recognized or remain anonymous. All donations are tax-deductible and will be utilized specifically for the Clear Choices Clean Water program and its related efforts.
Organize a Local Campaign
Do you have your own ideas for helping improve and protect our waters? Maybe you want to organize a river cleanup, host a tree planting event in your community, or gather neighbors to clean the storm drains on your street. Now you can use this platform to coordinate the activity, track participation, and share results. Learn how to organize a Local Campaign by clicking the button below.