Awards & Recipients

Current and Past Stewardship Award Recipients

The White River Alliance has been presenting stewardship awards since 2011. The awards are given to those demonstrating leadership, creativity, and innovation in the realm of water resource protection within the Upper White River Watershed.

Meet our Recipients!

Award Categories

Exceptional Commitment to Watershed Protection

The Exceptional Commitment to Watershed Protection Award honors the work of an individual or organization who has demonstrated a strong commitment to water resources and/or watershed protection. Award winning projects model responsible action, sustainability and resiliency principles, and are implemented in harmony with the natural and social surroundings. Projects or programs must have been initiated or completed within the past two years, and mitigation projects are not eligible.  The award recipient does not have to be a White River Alliance member.

  • Demonstrates significant leadership in a focused area of resource conservation (water, materials and/or energy, land, species protection, etc.)
  • Provides direct pollution prevention and/or minimizes water use
  • Advances research or the implementation of best practices
  • Improves public health, wellbeing, volunteerism, and/or awareness/education
  • Demonstrates a thoughtful approach to the context and content associated with project or program
  • Engages collaborative partnerships
  • Is replicable and/or serves as a model or inspiration to others in the watershed
  • Has maintenance and/or governance plans to ensure a sustainable future


Distinguished Member of the Year

The Distinguished Member Award honors the work of an individual or organization that has continually gone the extra mile to help steward our environment and engage in conservation. An individual who takes a stand, demonstrates leadership, and takes initiative in the idea, promotion, and completion of a community environmental initiative(s) is an ideal candidate for this award.

  • Must be a current member of the White River Alliance
  • Must demonstrate a significant contribution to the environmental stewardship of our region and/or organization
  • Displays volunteerism, consistent dedication to the environment, and a focus on improving the quality of life within our region
  • Strong personal leadership from the member’s representative(s) – someone who leads with new insights, creative methods, and/or great enthusiasm for water resource protection
  • A willingness to serve as a model for others, sharing both expertise and encouragement

Extraordinary Supporter of Water Stewardship

The Extraordinary Supporter of Water Stewardship Award goes to the individual or organization that provided above-and-beyond support for the work of the White River Alliance and our work to protect and improve the White River and its watershed.  This support may be outstanding community engagement of a social or work group and/or a significant financial contribution that demonstrates a shared commitment to our work. Individuals reaching out within their circles to cultivate interest and investment in the river is the way that sustained, wide-spread stewardship is developed – it takes the commitment and generosity of many, and leadership from a few.   All funds raised help support White River Alliance public education and training programs that engage everyone from the individual homeowner to earth work contractors, landscapers, and politicians alike.

  • Must be an individual representing a small or large group raising funds for WRA
  • Must contribute a gift proportionally significant to the group’s resources
  • All funds raised must be collected and remitted to the White River Alliance

How to Nominate a Project or Member

All nominations must include the following:
  • Name of person or organization being nominated (if applicable, include the name of owner)
  • Name of the policy, program, project, exhibit, or event being nominated
  • Is the project/program possible to replicate elsewhere? Y/N
  • Describe worthiness of award as it related to the qualifications described for the award (750 word limit)
  • If applicable, describe how the policy/program or project meets/exceeds regulatory requirements (250 word limit)
  • If applicable, describe how the project will be maintained/sustained physically and/or via governance (250 word limit)
  • Attach electronic photos or supporting documentation as appropriate

All applications must be submitted electronically to