
Volunteer & Service Programs

Local Clean Water Campaigns

Do you have your own ideas for helping improve and protect our waters? Maybe you want to organize a river cleanup, host a tree planting event in your community, or gather neighbors to clean the storm drains on your street. Now you can use this platform to coordinate the activity, track participation, and share results.

StormWater Action Teams (SWAT)

A SWAT is a StormWater Action Team. SWATs are groups of kids, colleagues, or neighbors that are willing to donate time to help steward storm drains and promote water quality awareness in neighborhoods or commercial centers.

Individual Action Programs

Clear Choices Clean Water

We all make decisions every day that affect our water quality—and even the quantity—that’s in our streams, reservoirs, and wells.

Training & Learning Programs

Stormwater Landscape Maintenance Training

In many cities and towns, homeowner associations (HOAs) own and are required to maintain some of the stormwater infrastructure in their neighborhoods, including ponds, swales, check dams, shoreline plantings, rain gardens, pervious paving, and other features located on common property. The Stormwater Landscape Maintenance Training Seminar in order to help Homeowners Associations, landscape contractors, and land developers understand local maintenance requirements and how to read O&M manuals in order to avoid corrective action.

Indiana Water Summit

The Indiana Water Summit is an opportunity to increase our collective understanding of statewide water resources, learn from national experts and other communities, and find the best ways to protect our water assets.

The Collective Tap Podcast

THE COLLECTIVE TAP is a podcast about water and the many ways we interact with this critical resource every day. Over 4 seasons we will work to answer the question, 'What, exactly, is the value of water?'

Trained Individual Contractor Certification

The Trained Individual Contractor Certification Program provides training and testing for those responsible for the management of Rule 5-permitted construction projects in Indiana, also known as a “Trained Individual”.

State of the Waters

State of the Waters is a presentation sharing some fun facts (and not so fun facts) about regional water resources in our area.

Regional Stormwater MS4 Program

Stormwater is one of the leading pollution sources to local streams and is therefore a regulatory and quality-of-life priority for all local municipalities that are connected by our watershed.