2024 Water Summit Speakers

Sierra Alberts
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Sierra Alberts has represented the State of Indiana in environmental matters for over 24 years. Sierra’s practice is within Office of Water Quality at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). She represents IDEM in administrative appeals, provides legal counsel, and works with the Indiana attorney general’s office on civil litigation matters. Sierra is also the section chief of the Office of Criminal Investigations. Sierra has worked with the Indiana attorney general’s office, where she defended and prosecuted environmental matters for state agencies including IDEM, the Indiana State Department of Health, and the Indiana Department of Natural Resources in matters before administrative, state, and federal courts. Before she came to the state in 1999, Sierra was a deputy prosecuting attorney with the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office. Sierra received her Doctor of Jurisprudence from the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Spanish with a minor in Business Administration from the University of Indianapolis.
Bob Barr
Center for Earth and Environmental Science at Indiana University-Indianapolis
Robert Barr is a research scientist (fluvial geomorphology and hydrology) at the Center for Earth and Environmental Science at Indiana University - Indianapolis. His primary research focus is on understanding the physical processes necessary to achieve, maintain, and preserve healthy stream systems in a changing climate. Current projects include the Indiana Fluvial Erosion Hazard Mitigation Program, the School Branch National Water Quality Initiative, and the Indiana Stream Quantification Tool. Bob has also served as a consulting hydrologist and fluvial geomorphologist for over 16 years.
Mark Basch
Indiana Department of Natural Resources
Mark Basch is Head of the Water Rights & Use Section in the Division of Water at the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Mark is a hydrogeologist with a bachelor’s degree in geology from Ball State University and a master’s degree in geology from Indiana University. He has worked for the DNR Division of Water since 1984.
Chris Campbell
Indiana House of Representatives
State Representative Chris Campbell was first elected to the Indiana House of Representatives on Nov. 6, 2018. She represents House District 26 in Tippecanoe County. Representative Campbell is the ranking minority member of the Government and Regulatory Affairs Committee and is a member of the budget-writing Ways and Means Committee as well as the Insurance Committee. She works in Lafayette as an audiologist and serves on the Executive Board of Indiana Speech and Hearing Association. She also volunteers throughout her community, and has served on the West Lafayette Library Board. Working and the West Lafayette Redevelopment Commission.
Jason Cannon
Purdue University
Dr. Jason Cannon received a Ph.D. in toxicology from the University of Michigan and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh. He is currently a Professor of Toxicology, Acting Head of the School of Health Sciences, and Assistant Vice Provost of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs at Purdue University. Dr. Cannon utilizes genetic and neurotoxicant-based animal and cellular models of neurological disease. His laboratory is utilizing rodent, amphibian, nematode and in vitro models to test mechanistic hypotheses. While the bulk of his work has focused on neurodegenerative diseases, an emergent interest in is on the adverse mental health outcomes resulting from environmental exposures. Dr. Cannon has extensive expertise in linking biochemical mechanisms of neurotoxic action to neurochemical, neuropathological and neurobehavioral phenotypes across many adverse outcomes. Primary current exposures studied in the laboratory include dietary heterocyclic aromatic amines, organophosphate insecticides, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances.
Ginger Davis
Indiana Geological and Water Survey
Ginger Davis, a Licensed Professional Geologist, is a research hydrogeologist at Indiana Geological and Water Survey working to understand and share information of surface and ground water resources in Indiana. Ginger previously worked at several Soil and Water Conservation Districts, as a Hydrogeologist with DNR Division of Water, as a consultant, and has taught geology at IvyTech. Ginger has master’s degrees in both geology and civil engineering from IU and Norwich University focused on water resources. She currently chairs the AWWA Source Water Protection Committee and holds professional certifications in sediment and erosion control, floodplain management, watershed leadership, and natural resource training.
Spencer Deery
Indiana Senate
Spencer Deery was elected to the Indiana State Senate in 2022 in his first bid for any elected office. Senator Deery represents District 23, which includes Fountain, Parke, Vermillion, and Warren counties, as well as portions of Montgomery and Tippecanoe counties. Prior to the Senate, Deery worked in the President’s Office of Purdue University from 2011 to 2022. Before Purdue, he worked in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in Washington, D.C., as well as in the private sector in marketing and strategic communications. Senator Deery holds a bachelor’s degree in communications from George Washington University with minors in business and political science, and a master’s degree from GWU’s Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration.
Kyle Doudrick
University of Notre Dame
Dr. Kyle Doudrick is an associate professor of environmental engineering at the University of Notre Dame. He received his Ph.D. in environmental engineering from Arizona State University and spent a year as an ASEE/NSF Small Business Research Diversity Postdoctoral Fellow for Integrated Surface Technologies, Inc. (Menlo Park, CA). Dr. Doudrick’s research group focuses on the development of physical-chemical treatment technologies for emerging contaminants, such as catalytic, adsorptive, thermal, photochemical, and electrochemical processes. He also seeks to better understand the occurrence and fate of emerging contaminants in the natural and built environments by developing new measurement techniques. Currently, his group is working on a variety of emerging contaminants such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), micro- and nanoplastics, and oxyanions. Dr. Doudrick is a recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER Award and served as a Fulbright Scholar in France at the CNRS Laboratoire Réactions et Génie des Procédés. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Indiana.
Mike Dunn
The Nature Conservancy
Mike Dunn is the Indiana Director of Freshwater Conservation Programs for the Nature Conservancy. He oversees the chapter’s broad and ever-expanding work to improve freshwater resources across the state through proactive partnerships. Mike just celebrated his 8-year anniversary with TNC. He previously worked at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management in permitting and rule writing activities, and for both the Indiana Corn Marketing Council and Indiana Soybean Alliance leading the production and environmental initiatives to improve crops and water quality. Mike has a BS in Environmental Science from Louisiana Tech University and a Master’s in Environmental Management from Duke University.
Megan Freveletti
Conservation Law Center
Megan Freveletti is an Associate Attorney with the Conservation Law Center. Upon graduation in 2022 from the Indiana University Maurer School of Law in Bloomington, Megan began her legal career at CLC as the Inaugural Nancy C. Ralston Conservation Fellow. During her time at CLC, she has focused on issues pertaining to Indiana’s water policy, with a focus on water quality issues in the state and how legislation, law, and policy can be used to enact positive change.
Charles Gill
Greenfield Water Utility
Charles Gill has worked in the wastewater and water industries for 18 years. After serving 7 years in the United States Navy, he began his water career working with Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) in Yorktown, Virginia in 2006. Charles earned his Wastewater Operator Journeyworker Certification and his Associates in Business Administration through Strayer University. In 2015 Charles came home to Indiana to take his current position as the Manager of the Greenfield Water Utility. He is the Apprenticeship Director, a WT3 Water Operator, Workforce Committee Chairperson, Graduate of IWEA LDI class, and a Certified Public Supervisor through Ball State University
Beth Hall
Indiana State Climate Office
Dr. Beth Hall is the Director of the Indiana State Climate Office, Midwestern Regional Climate Center, and manager of the Purdue Mesonet. With over 25 years of climate services experience, she has dedicated her efforts toward identifying opportunities for climate data to be used as decision-support tools and resources for a variety of sectors including agriculture, urban flood management, and public health. Her research interests focus on climate applications and operational climate tools for stakeholders and decision-support needs. Dr. Hall is a faculty member in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Science at Purdue University.
Kay Hawthorne
Friends of the White River
Kay Hawthorne serves as the Environmental Justice Director for Friends of the White River in Indianapolis, IN. In this role, she supports communities along the downtown stretch of the river, coordinates waterway cleanups, and directs the Indy Water Connection Camp. She has worked in Near Northwest and Southeast neighborhoods, namely Riverside, Norwood, and Barrington, on projects centering history and the environment. Hawthorne studied Anthropology and Public Health at Purdue University. Connecting with history is her passion and purpose; she loves memories and the people, places, and things that hold them.
Marc Hildenbrand
River Ridge Development Authority
Marc Hildenbrand, P.E. is currently the Chief Director-Engineering and Operations for the River Ridge Development Authority (“RRDA”) in Jeffersonville, Indiana. The RRDA operates and maintains the River Ridge Commerce Center (“RRCC”), an approximately 6,000-acre industrial/commercial park located within the Louisville, Kentucky metropolitan statistical area. His main duties are providing oversight for the design and construction of the infrastructure projects at the RRCC, and he is responsible for the operations of the water system that services the businesses located at the RRCC. Marc has a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Kentucky, and he is a licensed professional engineer in Indiana and Kentucky.
Tyler Hoskins
Purdue University
Tyler Hoskins is an ecotoxicologist and works as a Research Assistant Professor at Purdue University, in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources and the Institute for a Sustainable Future. Dr. Hoskins is broadly interested in how chemical contaminants influence organisms in “real world,” a complex place where numerous abiotic and biotic factors influence how organisms respond to stressors such as contaminants. Dr. Hoskins regularly collaborates with molecular biologists to explore underlying mechanisms of toxicity and to link those mechanisms to effects at higher levels of biological organization. He focuses on aquatic systems; amphibians and wetland communities are preferred models. Recently he has focused on bioaccumulation and effects of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in aquatic systems. He was born and raised in Indiana and is passionate about water challenges in his home state.
Chris Janak
Bose McKinney & Evans LLP
Chris Janak is a partner at Bose McKinney & Evans LLP and chair of its Utilities Group and Governmental Services Group. He has served as special and local counsel for many for-profit and nonprofit utilities, counties, regional districts, conservancy districts, municipalities, and other governmental entities in Indiana. In recent years, Chris has represented clients in a number of precedent setting cases involving local and governmental powers, contractual matters, utility rates, territorial disputes, utility procedures, utilities’ powers and duties, public service providers’ jurisdictions, and the rights and powers of municipalities. Currently, he is general counsel to the American Water Works Association.
Dawn Keyler
Wessler Engineering
Dawn Keyler has been employed with Wessler Engineering as a Project Analyst since March of 2020. She serves as the Chair of the INAWWA Emergency Preparedness and Security Committee, as well as a member of the operations committee for the InWARN organization. She is a member of the Indiana Executive Council on Cyber Security for the Water Sector. She is a certified trainer for the American Water Works Association Water Sector Cybersecurity Risk Management Tool. She is an experienced Project Analyst with a demonstrated history of working in the civil engineering and non-profit industries and a strong knowledge of government and engineering procedures. She has an Associate of Science degree from the University of Indianapolis.
Theresa Landewe
Theresa Landewe is the Midwest Regional Director at INTERA, a hydrogeologic consulting firm located in Bloomington. Theresa has been working in the field of water resource management for over 25 years, and her experience includes water-supply planning and development in Indiana and throughout the Midwest. She is currently the project manager for the Hamilton and Morgan County Water Studies and was a lead Scientist on the Central Indiana Regional Water Study in 2021. Theresa holds a bachelor's degree in Biology from Saint Louis University and a Master’s degree from Indiana University’s School of Public and Environmental Affairs.
Linda Lee
Purdue University
Linda S. Lee is a Distinguished Professor at Purdue University with a joint appointment in the Colleges of Agriculture and Engineering. She is also Assistant Dean of Research and Graduate Education in the College of Agriculture and Program Head for the Ecological Sciences and Engineering Interdisciplinary Graduate Program. She joined Purdue in 1993 with degrees in chemistry (BS), environmental engineering (MS) and soil chemistry/contaminant hydrology (PhD) from the University of Florida. Professor Lee is a leader in environmental chemistry, fate, remediation and mitigation of persistent contaminants and supports exposure effect studies, with PFAS challenges driving much of her research for the last two decades. She also serves on advisory groups addressing water quality, water treatment residuals, and consumer product policies.
Sally Letsinger
Indiana University - Bloomington
Dr. Sally Letsinger is a Senior Research Scientist in the Department of Geography at Indiana University-Bloomington. She has over 30 years of experience studying Indiana’s water resources. Dr. Letsinger received her Ph.D. in geological sciences from Indiana University. She was the Principal Investigator for the Southeast Central Indiana water study in 2023 and is currently a member of the leadership team coordinating the two latest regional water studies – North Central Indiana and the Wabash Headwaters region.
Garth Lindner
Indiana Department of Natural Resources
Dr. Garth Lindner is the manager of the Resource Assessment Section with the Indiana DNR Division of Water. He is also an adjunct faculty member at the O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University. Garth holds a BA and MS, both from Indiana University and a PhD from the University of Maryland-Baltimore County in the fields of Geography and Environmental Sciences. This education and experience include a broad interdisciplinary background in water resources and natural resource conservation, with special interests in watershed hydrology, hydrogeology, and fluvial processes.
Jim McGoff
Indiana Finance Authority
Jim McGoff is Chief Operating Officer and Director of Environmental Programs of the Indiana Finance Authority and has also served as the Finance Authority's General Counsel. Prior to joining State government, Jim was a partner in the Indianapolis law firm Bingham McHale LLP (currently, Dentons, LLP), where he was a member of the firm's public finance practice group, representing the State of Indiana and many Indiana cities and towns with their municipal borrowing needs. He is a past member of the US EPA Environmental Financial Advisory Board (2016-2021), US EPA SRF State Workshop, and the Council of Infrastructure Financing Authorities, serving as President from 2020-2022. Jim was also a member of the Great Lakes Protection Fund - Advisory Board. Mr. McGoff is a past member of the National Association of Bond Lawyers, Indiana and American Bar Associations, and is a Certified Public Accountant (Inactive). He graduated with a degree in Accounting from Indiana University's Kelley School of Business and earned a J.D. from the Indiana University Maurer School of Law.
Tim McLelland
Hamilton to New Baltimore Groundwater Consortium
Tim McLelland started as Manager with the Hamilton to New Baltimore Groundwater Consortium in 2000, and has held that position since. As the Groundwater Consortium Manager, he is responsible for a unique collaborative approach to Source Water Protection efforts by multiple public water systems and two private companies located in Southwest Ohio. Like many local communities, the Consortium has to address existing polluted sites, along with sites that have the potential to pollute groundwater. Members of the Consortium have successfully implemented a cost-effective way to address each aspect of Source Water Protection management as a unified group throughout several communities. Prior to the Consortium, Mr. McLelland spent approximately 8 years of combined experience with hazardous materials and waste cleanup as well as Environmental Consulting. He has a BS from Morehead State University in Environmental Science with a Geology Concentration and Earth Science minor.
Matt Meersman
St. Joseph River Basin Commission
Matt Meersman developed a strong connection to the water growing up near the St. Joseph River in South Bend, IN. In the summer he played in the river during the week and traveled two hours away to his family's lake cottage on the weekend. His mind was blown when he realized the lake was connected to the river and the water was all the same. He now works as the Director of the St. Joseph River Basin Commission and serves as the President of the Friends of the St. Joe River Association. His passion for the water comes from a love of being on and in it. When he is not working on watershed projects, you will find him paddling canoes and kayaks on lakes and rivers throughout the Great Lakes region and beyond.
Josh Messmer
Morgan County
Josh Messmer is the Morgan County administrator. He has served in that role for five years, and has been working on the county’s aquifer study with INTERA for approximately 18 months. Josh is a civil engineer with both his PE and SE licenses. Before becoming the Morgan County administrator, he served as the city engineer for the City of Martinsville and before that designed elevated water towers with Phoenix Fabricators and Erectors.
Jason Moeckel
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Jason Moeckel is currently the Manager for the Inventory, Monitoring and Analysis Section of the Division of Ecological and Water Resources at the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. This section is responsible for collecting and analyzing information about Minnesota’s water and biological resources to inform management decisions. Jason previously managed Minnesota’s premier trout streams in Southeastern Minnesota, and served as Statewide Fisheries Operations Supervisor. Jason has an MS in Resource Conservation from the University of Montana and a BS in Environmental Studies from San Jose State University.
Damarys Mortenson
Damarys Mortenson is the USDA-NRCS Indiana state conservationist, headquartered in Indianapolis. She has worked for the agency for 32 years. Mortenson began her career with NRCS in 1992 as a soil conservationist trainee in Iowa and quickly moved through the ranks. She became a district conservationist and an assistant state conservationist, working in Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, and West Virginia. Damarys joined Indiana NRCS in November of 2023 as the tenth state conservationist. She is a native of Mayaguez, Puerto Rico where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural Mechanization (Engineering) Technology from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez campus.
Christina Motilall
US Environment Protection Agency
Christina Motilall is the Lead Public Affairs Specialist managing all communications for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights (OEJECR). Before joining OEJECR, Christina was an Environmental Protection Specialist in the EPA's Office of Atmospheric Programs’ Stratospheric Protection Division, and worked previously in the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics and the Office of Pesticide Programs. Prior to the EPA, she worked as an Energy and Environment fellow for a local think tank, and as an Environmental Scientist at a consulting firm in Minnesota. Christina is also an Adjunct Professor for Indiana University’s O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs teaching for the school’s DC Accelerator program. She also holds master’s degrees from IU O’Neill in Environmental Policy and Natural Resource Management and Environmental Chemistry, Toxicology, and Risk Assessment.
Ryan Mueller
Indiana Departmnet of Natural Resources
Ryan Mueller serves as Deputy Director of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. Prior to this appointment, he served the Department as the Director of the Division of Water from 2017 - 2021. Previously, Ryan served as Executive Director for the Interstate Council on Water Policy (ICWP), a national non-profit organization focused on amplifying the scientific and policy voice for local, state and interstate water management agencies, and as the Director of Water Resources at the Missouri Department of Natural Resources from 2006 – 2014.In addition to his public service, Ryan’s career includes over a decade of experience as an environmental manager in the private sector and as a research assistant and lecturer in academia. Ryan earned B.S. and M.S. degrees in Geological Engineering from the University of Missouri - Rolla and is a licensed professional engineer.
Vanessa Green Sinders
Indiana Chamber
Vanessa Green Sinders became President and CEO of the Indiana Chamber on January 4, 2024. She is the Chamber’s first female president. She is the founder and principal of Green Sinders Consulting, which provides leadership development and coaching services, strategic advice, project execution, and crisis management services to clients. Prior to her role at the Indiana Chamber, she was Senior Vice President and Department Head for Government Affairs at the American Hotel & Lodging Association, and Senior Vice President for Government Affairs at Charter Communications/Spectrum. She holds a bachelor’s degree in government from Dartmouth College with a minor in economics.
Jim Samuel
Ohio Water Partnership
Jim Samuel serves as executive director of the Ohio Water Partnership, a broad-based coalition of business interests advocating for good water policy in Ohio. He is also principal of Capitol Integrity Group, a private consultancy that has served a range of clients, from Fortune 200 corporations to small rural communities. In addition, Jim is currently serving his 2nd term on the Ohio Wildlife Council and was recently re-elected as a member of the Board of Trustees for The Nature Conservancy - Ohio. Jim has 30 years’ experience in cultivating, improving and strengthening policy and economic development relationships in both the public and private sectors. Over the course of his career, Jim has successfully developed and driven public policy and legislative initiatives in the area of energy, natural resources, economic development, infrastructure, manufacturing, workers' compensation and taxation. He previously served in executive positions under two Ohio governors, including service as the Governor’s executive assistant for business & industry.
Jennifer Thum
Indiana State Department of Agriculture
Jennifer Thum is the Director of the Division of Soil Conservation in the Indiana State Department of Agriculture. In that role, she is also the Secretary of the State Soil Conservation Board. The Division of Soil Conservation works with all 92 Soil and Water Conservation Districts in the state, coordinates the Indiana Conservation Partnership, and leads the State Nutrient Reduction Strategy. In her previous roles in the Division, Jennifer oversaw the Western Lake Erie Basin Regional Conservation Partnership Program and the Kankakee Regional Conservation Partnership Program. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Eastern Michigan University and a Master’s in Public Administration from Northern Michigan University.
John Trypus
Citizens Energy Group
John Trypus, P.E., P.G., is Director of Underground Engineering and Construction at Citizens Energy Group in Indianapolis. In that role, he oversees capital work associated with Citizens’ water distribution and wastewater collection systems as well as the DigIndy Tunnel Project. John has 25 years of experience in the planning, design, and construction of utility projects. He holds a bachelor’s degree in geology from the University of South Florida and an MBA from Johns Hopkins University.
Kenton Ward
Hamilton County Surveyor
Kenton C. Ward has been serving as the Hamilton County Surveyor since 1977. He is a Certified Floodplain Manager, Certified Erosion Sediment and Storm Water Inspector (CESSWI), Certified Professional in Municipal Stormwater Management, and a Certified Inspector of Sediment and Erosion Control. Kent has received several awards and recognitions for his public service, and is a past president of the Association of Indiana Counties, the County Surveyors Association of Indiana, and the National Association of County Surveyors. He has been highly active with the National Association of Counties, serving on their Environment, Energy and Land Use Steering Committee, Information Technology Standing Committee, Rural Action Caucus, Resilient Counties Advisory Board, Essential County Technology Sub Committee, and as Chair of the Water Subcommittee and Vice Chair of the GIS Subcommittee. In 1995 he was appointed by Governor Bayh to serve on the work group that compiled the Indiana Drainage Handbook used by stormwater designers throughout Indiana. Kent holds associate’s and bachelor’s degrees from Purdue University and a master’s degree and certificate from Indiana University.
Jeff Willman
Citizens Energy Group
Jeff Willman is Vice President for Water Operations at Citizens Energy Group. He has served in that role since 2015 and has more than 30 years of utility industry experience. Jeff and his team are responsible for operating the largest water and wastewater utility systems in the state of Indiana (serving over 600,000 customers) as well as the fastest growing water and wastewater systems in the state. He has been especially active with the Central Indiana Drinking Water Collaborative. Prior to his current position, Jeff served as Director of Government and External Affairs at Citizens and was responsible for managing key stakeholder relationships at the state and local level. Jeff holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Evansville and an MBA from Butler University, and is a graduate of the Stanley K. Lacy Executive Leadership Program, the Darden Executive Management Program at University of Virginia, and the Center for Creative Leadership.
Jack Wittman
Jack Wittman has 40 years of experience in the areas of regional water supply planning, water demand analysis, well field design, well head protection, water quality analyses, groundwater modeling, and regulatory compliance. Dr. Wittman has served as a consultant to federal, state, tribal, and local governments, as well as some of the largest water utilities in the world. He has consulted with utility regulators, governor's offices, investor-owned utilities, and professional organizations on water supply planning and development. Dr. Wittman has been appointed by the governor of Indiana to the State Water Shortage Task Force, and is currently a member of the National Ground Water Association's certification committee. Lately, Dr. Wittman has been actively supporting state water planning in areas with riparian water rights.
Les Zimmerman
Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts
Les Zimmerman resides with Anna, his wife of 45 years on their farm in Vermillion County where he operated a wholesale tree nursery until his retirement in 2017. Their farm features no till, cover crops, buffers, pond and wetland development, timber stand improvement, and pollinator habitat. Les served fifteen years on the Vermillion Co. SWCD. He served eight years on the board of IASWCD. He chaired the oversight committee of the Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative for its first nine years. He is a current board member of the Vermillion Trails Alliance. Les continues to pursue his passion for conservation as the Legislative Affairs Manager of the IASWCD.

Indiana Water Summit
