Stormwater Landscape Maintenance Training
In many cities and towns, property owners (like HOAs) own and are required to maintain some of the stormwater infrastructure on their property, including ponds, swales, check dams, shoreline plantings, rain gardens, pervious paving, and other features.
Stormwater Features and Development
Many developments, both commercial and residential, were designed and built with stormwater infrastructure for which the property owners—including HOAs and their property managers—are often now responsible.
Local governments are beginning to enforce maintenance requirements associated with these stormwater features. The lack of maintenance can harm important local water quality and quantity management.
In response, the White River Alliance, in conjunction with our member MS4 communities, designed the Stormwater Landscape Maintenance Training to help Homeowners Associations, property managers, landscape contractors, and land developers understand these maintenance requirements and how to read Operation & Maintenance Plans in order to avoid corrective action.
The goal is to maintain properly functioning stormwater treatment facilities in order to prevent flooding, pollution, and other stormwater-related impacts, and keep infrastructure costs down in the long run.
The Training
The Stormwater Landscape Maintenance Training is available as an online course through our LearnDash platform. The training consists of 10 modules of video presentations that you can take at your own pace, simple (and voluntary) quizzes, and helpful resources that you can download or print.
The Stormwater Landscape Maintenance Training will help any responsible individual for maintaining property understand their obligations to any stormwater features that may be present.
The training is free of charge.
The first step in taking the training is to Create an Account by clicking the Create Account button. Once you have completed this step, you can click on the Training Modules button, login, and begin working through the modules.