
Corporate Sampling Events

When you participate in our RAFT corporate events, your team will learn about the state of Central Indiana waters, what, why, and how water quality is measured, and how the data that YOU collect is used!

Multi-Company Group Sampling Events

Multi-company events are scheduled, pre-planned events held throughout the year where your team will join teams from other companies/organizations to sample at a number of locations. A sampling team consists of 3 to 4 people which allows each team member the opportunity to have hands-on experience throughout the water sampling process. Your company can have multiple teams which can spark some friendly competition. If your company would like to have over 3 teams (9 to 12 people), please consider the private event option below. Your team(s) can choose to participate in the morning (9 am-12 pm) or afternoon (1-4 pm) sessions which have a 5-team capacity.

The cost is $250 per team, which covers sampling costs (lab fees, equipment, etc.), a free giveaway for each team, light refreshments, and helps support the overall RAFT program.

If interested in a RAFT multi-company corporate event, please reach out to Kelly to be added to the communication list.


RAFT volunteers sample a nearby creek

Private Company Events

A Private Company Event is ideal for larger companies that are interested in an exclusive event with multiple teams from the company. You choose the date and time of the event. This option can host 10-20 participants. If you’re interested in this option, please email Kelly to discuss pricing and scheduling.